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   The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild

May/June 2022 Artists Guild Newsletter

2 May 2022 9:52 AM | Katerina Husar Lazarova (Administrator)
Following is the May/June 2022 Artists Guild Newsletter.   Recent newsletters are on the Artists Guild website: www.sdmaag.org     Back issues (1971-2010) are available digitally. Contact Sue Gold (president@sdmaag.org)
President's Message

Dear Members,

This letter will be my last as president of the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild.    These four years have been fulfilling and demanding.  I have enjoyed being your president and feel we have accomplished much.  Our relationship with the Museum has improved.  We have just presented to The Museum a 3-ring binder that contains the work and bios of most of our artist members.  The Museum had expressed a desire to know more about the Artists Guild and its artist members.  The centennial book, 100 Artists, 100 Years: A Century of Creativity in San Diego, will be published this year.  There have been many delays in publishing this book, not the least of which has been getting permission from the artist, family, or heirs to use an image of the artist's work.   All of our exhibitions have been successful.   All in all, it has been a good and productive four years.  My plan is to continue on the Artists Guild board of directors as the treasurer and immediate past president.  So, I'll still be around! 

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