Congratulations to our
Third Place Award of Excellence Winner
Ann Walker

Ann was awarded the first place for her watercolor painting, Gone Bananas.
Ann is a member of the Guild’s History Committee and did a lot of research into the background of many of the 100 Artists which will be published in the Guild’s Centennial Book.
(Learn more about the book here.)
About Ann Walker:
I have always been interested in art. I majored in art and graduated with a BFA from San Jose State University. I took many watercolor classes in France.
I was juried into several shows, but some I am more proud of than others:
- 1995 San Francisco Academy of Art Annual Awards show with my juried watercolor entry being selected to travel the state for one year.
- San Diego Watercolor Society 28th International Show 2008
- California Watercolor Association 41th International Exhibition 2010
- Louisiana Watercolor Society 43rd Annual International Exhibition, 2013
- San Diego Watercolor Society 33th International Show 2013
- California Watercolor Association 49th International Exhibition, January 2019
I created Gone Bananas because I love bananas and have seen many colorful bananas in my travels.
I am very interested in and love talking about Early California Scene Painters.