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The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild (SDMAAG)

2017 Membership Exhibition

October 25 – November 6, 2017

Gallery 21, Spanish Village, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA

View the exhibit here

Prospectus: OnlineJuriedShows 

Duke Windsor, Juror Statement

Award Winners:

First Place Award of Excellence, John Oleinek, Cathedral

Second Place Award of Excellence, Don Ryan, Hindsight

Third Place Award of Excellence, Margaret Larlham, Retired Professor Peter

Honorable Mentions:
Janet Lee, 20, Rue Albert Pitres
Jeffrey Brosbe, Melk Abbey
Carol Mansfield, Spring Thaw

Email Us:

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 122107
San Diego, CA 92112-2107

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