On December 1 the Guild hosted its Holiday Party at Gallery 21. It was a joyous event and John Ohl played Santa in his California garb!

Members gathered to share food, conversation, and a festive afternoon with fellow artists.

Guild Historian Jody Abssy created and presented an Anime book for Angelika Villegrana (holding many positions and wearing many hats throughout the years) in appreciation for all she does for the Guild and its members.

The book was an expression of appreciation that all Guild members feel toward Angelika.
1. Angelika may be a saint.
She stays calm when most of us ain't!

2. She can no longer grin
when we're under her skin.

3. WHY can't my dear artist READ?

4. We can sometimes bring tears to her eyes. Do you part. Submit art. Know its medium, title and size!

5. Then she'll smile and all will be fine.
All of us "cats' herded into line.

6. Look again and I know you will see
who she is for you and for me